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    • Aloha
      Aloha reacted to SoonerAviator's post in the thread Resume Building Jobs with Like Like.
      Maybe it was one of those deals where I can "fake it 'til I make it?" [emoji38]
    • Aloha
      Aloha replied to the thread Resume Building Jobs.
      Maybe they were hoping you'd split the pro-rata share!
    • Aloha
      Aloha reacted to TCABM's post in the thread Resume Building Jobs with Like Like.
      That’s pretty much it. Some corp/135s may value an A&P cert in addition to your pilot certs. College degree will be a plus.
    • Aloha
      Aloha replied to the thread Resume Building Jobs.
      Honestly, this is the thought I've had in the back of my head. I've been a hiring manager for the past decade in financial services, but...
    • Aloha
      Aloha replied to the thread Resume Building Jobs.
      Haha, whoops - good catch.
    • Aloha
      Aloha reacted to TCABM's post in the thread Resume Building Jobs with Like Like.
      Want to work indoors or outdoors, because neither is a flying position. The ramper job *may* be a better opportunity to network...
    • Aloha
      Aloha replied to the thread Resume Building Jobs.
      Makes sense. I'm a big believer in letting your work show for itself and hopefully an opportunity would arise from it.
    • Aloha
      Aloha replied to the thread Resume Building Jobs.
      Unfortunately both are full-time, but I appreciate the idea!
    • Aloha
      I'm a PPL currently wrapping up my IR with the end goal of flying professionally. (Don't worry, this isn't an "are the airlines going to...
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