aggie06's latest activity

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    aggie06 reacted to FastEddieB's post in the thread Wag-Aero's Demise with Like Like.
    I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think Capital Gains taxes are based on “marginal” tax rates as is income. From the IRS: “A capital...
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    aggie06 reacted to StraightnLevel's post in the thread Wag-Aero's Demise with Like Like.
    Now, add the 3.8% Obamacare surtax and the 3.8% NIIT surtax - surtaxes that everone over $250k gets hit with. That's 24.3% - a rate...
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    aggie06 reacted to Ventucky Red's post in the thread Airline Exit Rows with Like Like.
    Sitting on an SWA flight, and there is an older guy in the exit aisle wearing a Dubeya-Dubeya-Eye-Eye veterans cap... 42nd Rainbow...
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    aggie06 replied to the thread Best insurance providers?.
    Broker is the way. There are only a couple insurers that don’t sell through brokers (Avemco is one). But Ladd and his folks will find...