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      momofboysanddogs replied to the thread HIMS Testing.
      He is currently working toward his A & P he is interning and will be going to Tennessee next year as well. He is only 16 but in order...
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      momofboysanddogs replied to the thread HIMS Testing.
      Thanks for your help. We got an extension. we started writing his personal statement letter I am hoping to have someone review it for us...
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      momofboysanddogs reacted to bbchien's post in the thread HIMS Testing with Like Like.
      momofboysanddogs: the secret is to call 405-954-4821 (CDT) at 08:00 SHARP. Set your iphone to alarm at 07:59 CDT count to 50 and dial...
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      momofboysanddogs reacted to That Mom's post in the thread HIMS Testing with Like Like.
      I'm That Mom who posted on this forum two days ago for very similar reasons. I don't have advice to give, except to say that there are...
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      momofboysanddogs replied to the thread HIMS Testing.
      Thanks so much would you know someone who would be ablet to help and review his personal statement letter?
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      momofboysanddogs replied to the thread HIMS Testing.
      Thanks so much I was able to get an extension and did reach someone at the FAA in OK
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      momofboysanddogs replied to the thread HIMS Testing.
      thanks for your feedback as a mom who is new to all this i did not know such a thing. thanks for your clarification. I have been...
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      I could really use some help. My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD...
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