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    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Class D trip yesterday.
      Thanks for all the responses. I think I have learned a lot? So, would it be fair to say that the initial call up is not relevant if it...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Class D trip yesterday.
      After reading and thinking. I am positive on my first call up that I had ask for the touch and go because I had written it down earlier...
    • D
      I did my first class D touch and go yesterday since many years ago. I was kinda nervous about it. So I started listening about 30 miles...
    • D
      Dude, I am where you are except not IFR rated. I am getting back into flying after several years away for various reasons. On my next...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread fltplan go.
      Thanks to all who replied to this. Lots of great info. I have flown using fltplan go two times. I have the garmin glo and use my iphone...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Fltplan go app.
      Yes that is the place. Most time that is where I will take off from. I didn't know if I could start a route from it somehow. If I search...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Fltplan go app.
      OK, those are helpful. Mine only has 3 boxes at the bottom and yours has more info. How do you get that? Your direct pic has your house...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Fltplan go app.
      The manual for some reason has the "direct to" option in it. That is the reason I thought it would do some of these things. That is real...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Fltplan go app.
      So I have fltplan on my iphone and the garmin glo. So do I understand that it will not run a route as in giving me distance to an...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread Fltplan go app.
      So the garmin glo does not navigate?
    • D
      DDDowney posted the thread Fltplan go app in Pilot Training.
      I have this on my iphone and a glo 2 thing. I have not flown with this yet but have used it in the truck. It has my plane on there...
    • D
      DDDowney replied to the thread fltplan go.
      Thanks for all the help and suggestions. There is so much to consider with all the different ones out there. I did get the fltplan go...
    • D
      DDDowney posted the thread fltplan go in Pilot Training.
      I am wanting a GPS for VFR I have down loaded and logged a bunch of times. I guess I thought this app had a moving map for flying...
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