4RNB's latest activity

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    4RNB replied to the thread Any Career CFI's?.
    I owned my own for most of my training.
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    4RNB reacted to Clip4's post in the thread Egregious FBO charges with Like Like.
    Honestly, you fly a Meridan worth $2 million that burns $3.50 a minute in fuel and $385 to park on a secured ramp overnight is egregious?
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    4RNB replied to the thread Egregious FBO charges.
    Yes! But you already know you need to pay them in order to spend the night. The OP likely knew there were fees Has previously engaged...
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    4RNB reacted to RyanB's post in the thread Egregious FBO charges with Like Like.
    I’ve been to, dozens of different FBO’s and I’ve never once been surprised or felt mislead by hidden fees or deception. I am certainly...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Egregious FBO charges.
    I don’t know the history of the OP, but lack of badge suggests he landed here (poa) without paying his landing fee…
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    4RNB replied to the thread Egregious FBO charges.
    Most hospital and physician services. Lab related-patholog Radiology Former ceo basically said people open their wallets up to us when...
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    4RNB reacted to RyanB's post in the thread Egregious FBO charges with Like Like.
    Honestly, I’m quite surprised by some of y’all. If you park on the ramp of an FBO, even if you don’t use their services, than you...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Egregious FBO charges.
    My read, perhaps sarcastic, maybe ignorant, certainly contrary, not sure if correct… I think you need to sell your plane to go smaller...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Any Career CFI's?.
    This is the other guy that might be a career CFI: https://www.facebook.com/accelerated.flight...
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    OK, how many fingers away for the layers above and below? I can't picture how this would work for me, would love to know more.
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    4RNB reacted to geezer's post in the thread Best Laid plans oft go astray (wx planning) with Like Like.
    Good decision. Weather worse than predicted can snowball on you. A plane new to you with known electrical; problems is not the...
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    4RNB reacted to FORANE's post in the thread Best Laid plans oft go astray (wx planning) with Like Like.
    I've had XM for the last 15 years. The only data I get from it regarding cloud layers is the METARs for fields. I can infer a little...
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    I still call up FSS in those situations and they oftentimes can help. Two scenarios: 1. I was still on the ground thinking no way I...
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    Background. I've got maybe 20-25 hours in a new to me Vans RV10. Cylinders had some corrosion, waiting on first oil analysis. Good...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Scam Alert!.
    For giggles I emailed the company when I read this post, have not heard back. Perhaps it is a commerce site set up long ago, not...