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      Warmi reacted to kyleb's post in the thread Insurance cost of Milton with Like Like.
      Let's be honest. The insurance companies should be including hurricane risk in their premiums for airplanes in at-risk locations. Same...
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      Warmi replied to the thread Ooops wrong movie.
      The whole experience flying commercial is R-rated this days so I am not sure whats the big deal here …
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      Warmi replied to the thread And so it goes...
      Doing right things ( eating right,taking care of yourself etc ) is never a wasted effort but unfortunately ,what happens with our hearts...
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      Warmi reacted to bbchien's post in the thread And so it goes.. with Like Like.
      Up through age 69 it's 9 minutes duration and peark hart rate to exceed 90% of (220-YourAge). after that the foumla is more complicated....
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      Warmi replied to the thread And so it goes...
      So what is the minimum required treadmill time after reaching age adjusted heart rate … 9 or 12 minutes ?
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      AI will solve that problem ( efficiency on the battle field and in a few decades human soldiers will be mostly obsolete ) - where it...
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      Unions exist to protect people with relatively easily replaceable skills by organizing them into large groups that, unlike individuals...
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      I did not but my son is a captain in USMC so I hear plenty enough to form an opinion - nobody questions people courage under fire but...
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      Warmi replied to the thread Considering a RV-6A But........
      It is indeed aviation 101 , I am well aware of that , but we like to build generous margins of safety in everything we manufacture and...
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      If you run space rockets for half of the world , slim as it may be, there is a chance you may be able to get somewhere with suing the...
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      Warmi replied to the thread Considering a RV-6A But........
      You build a product for real life users not “do the right thing every time and you will be fine” users …
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      Warmi replied to the thread Mid-air, KMEV Minden-Tahoe.
      Garmin ADSB out does this but only if you enable “anonymous mode” and your transponder code is set to 1200.
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      Warmi replied to the thread Mid-air, KMEV Minden-Tahoe.
      …so the victim had ADSB out installed but did not like the idea of being “tracked” and thus hardly ever had it on …well…
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      Warmi reacted to MountainDude's post in the thread Mid-air, KMEV Minden-Tahoe with Like Like.
      While see-and-avoid should be used, it simply does not work all the time. The 206 pilots knew the Swift was close by, but could not see...
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      Warmi replied to the thread Liability.
      You never know … I often see lawyers or doctors having disclaimers in their their videos ( on youtube and such) that whatever they...
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