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    • jimhorner
      jimhorner reacted to JackL-3J's post in the thread For Sale P-40K "Aleutian Tiger" with Like Like.
      At $2.8 mil (and I'm not saying she isn't worth it) if you can afford her, you can afford to pay her feed bill. But, sadly, I just...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread Swap fabric with carbon?.
      Flapping and fluttering? No, not really. I've got around 1220 + hours in airplanes with fabric covered control surfaces (and only about...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Oh my goodness. Wow, I really goofed there, didn't I? Huge oops!
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Well, as I mention previously, my 91 year old father and 86 year old mother, both of whom I would classify as old timers, correctly...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Yea, but that equation is not the appropriate way to interpret the linear equation. It's simply wrong.
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      What your actually doing here is incorrectly evaluating the multiplication and division right to left instead of left to right. Your...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner reacted to Cap'n Jack's post in the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) = with Like Like.
      I don't understand. That seems like asking for validation that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. Never mind that it was...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Not correct. Maybe stop thinking of these problems as fractions with denominators and think instead in terms of dividends and divisors...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner reacted to AV8R_87's post in the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) = with Like Like.
      I'm on your side on this one. Valid for all the stuff we do on airplanes as well. A better understanding of aircraft systems makes you...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner reacted to flyingcheesehead's post in the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) = with Like Like.
      Because mnemonics help you learn faster, and if you can learn faster and have a better way to commit it to memory, you can learn more...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      When I learned this stuff starting in 7th grade in 1979 or so, there were no mnemonics at all being taught. It was more like this: The...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Agreed about the usual convention of Parentheses first. I've made that point multiple times in this thread with the last being in my...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) = with Like Like.
      The confusion isn't really about the order of operations, it's about the meaning of /, and it is generally accepted that the slash is...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      Generally accepted rules for order of operation conventions accepted and successfully applied by generations of mathematicians...
    • jimhorner
      jimhorner replied to the thread 8 / 2 (2 + 2) =.
      The distributive property certainly applies, but it's important to apply it properly and with the conventions appropriately followed...
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