Fly The Transition Relaunch

Jim Schilling

Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 5, 2022
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Hey everyone!

Early this year I started the Fly the Transition Podcast. Its focus is to tell the stories of those who chased a second career in the aviation industry. I released 7 episodes and had to take a break.

I’m busy getting ready to relaunch and have completed a whole bunch of interviews. The podcast will relaunch in January with the first episode featuring POA member BrYan Turner.

I hope you’ll check the podcast out, and subscribe so you get notified when new episodes come out!



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I love the podcast and have been awaiting its return!

Also I respect your decision to do less editing/journalist style and just interview. The quality was very high, but I can't imagine how much time that must have taken you.
Just make sure you get good guests. I feel like some of these podcasts will let any yahoo on.
Edit: I responded before getting my readers and reading what you actually wrote. Doh!!
Just make sure you get good guests. I feel like some of these podcasts will let any yahoo on.
Edit: I responded before getting my readers and reading what you actually wrote. Doh!!

You mean the part where I said the first guest is some yahoo from the YouTube’s who thinks he’s the worlds greatest pilot?

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I love the podcast and have been awaiting its return!

Also I respect your decision to do less editing/journalist style and just interview. The quality was very high, but I can't imagine how much time that must have taken you.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I’ve gotten through three episodes of editing, I think the conversational tone will still convey the stories of these folks… even Bryan.

As I launch this thing, it would be super helpful if you could go on your podcasting service and leave a rating and review. I really am hoping this go around takes off, and getting interactions make the podcast service algorithms happy.

Thanks again for your kind words and support!

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I’ll have a listen…. If you need another victim, I mean guest…
I’ll have a listen…. If you need another victim, I mean guest…

Awesome. If you want to send me a message to share your story, maybe we can make something work.

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Sounds interesting. I generally don't bopther with pod casts. Just don't have the time, but I'll try to check it out.
I've hit most of the episodes and really enjoy it! Lots of success stories out there that helps reinforce the non traditional path I'm taking. Can't wait for the relaunch!
I've hit most of the episodes and really enjoy it! Lots of success stories out there that helps reinforce the non traditional path I'm taking. Can't wait for the relaunch!

I’m super excited! I have gotten some really fun interviews this week. I’ve got 10 interviews in the can and another 15 scheduled through January!

Should give me enough content through Mid May!

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