For Sale: Club Membership Best club in the midwest: Capitol City Flyers, KMSN


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Hi all,

After over 13 years in the club, the time has come for me to sell my share in Capitol City Flyers. I'll remain as a social member for the foreseeable future. With most of my flying being in my Mooney, I was essentially paying just to serve on the board of directors (only flying club planes about once or twice a year), and with my 1 year old son and a new job, I just don't have time to do as well at that as I'd like any more.

I firmly believe that this is the best club within 100 miles, and probably more. We have really nice, well-equipped aircraft, are very solid financially, well run and stable with a nearly 60-year history behind us. A few other bonuses include:
  1. No additional insurance necessary. The club covers you as named insured.
  2. We don't bill by Hobbs time - We use tach time on the planes with a recording tach and flight time on the G1000, so the rates are even more reasonable than they look at first glance and you won't ever have to be in a hurry to take off.
  3. Your first $50 of flying each month is included to encourage you to stay proficient. That $50 is enough for a city tour plus several trips around the pattern in the Diamond.
  4. 30 members and three airplanes gives a good balance of cost savings/distribution and availability and allows you to choose the right airplane for your particular mission on any given day.
  5. 24 hour FBO service - They pull the planes out, put them away, and fuel them. In the winter, you can preflight in the hangar and then sit in the plane while they tow it outside! (If you're a wimp, of course. ;) )
  6. KMSN is a great airport to be based at. 3 ILS approaches to get you back in the worst weather, great air traffic controllers, a wonderful mix of aircraft operations (airline, flight school, corporate, based military F-16s and Blackhawks as well as transient military, small GA, we have it all!) but not so much traffic that you ever have to wait for takeoff - I don't think I've ever had more than two other planes ahead of me.
  7. Not too many rules! For the most part, you are in charge of your own safety and if it's OK with the FAA and the insurance company, it's OK with the club. Want to land on a private grass strip? Go for it! (As long as the FAA recognizes it as an airport, it's OK with the insurance co.) Want to take a plane for a long trip? Please do, it's why we exist! Just inform the board if you're going to leave the country so the paperwork can be put in place for that.
  8. Financially secure. We have cash reserves ready to cover any engine overhauls or other major maintenance surprises that may pop up.
  9. Nobody's making a profit off of you, and you're not subsidizing anyone else - You own the club, and we set rates such that fixed expenses are covered by monthly dues ($220) and hourly expenses are covered by the hourly rates on the planes. If you buy cheap fuel away from home, you get credited not only what you paid but the difference between what you paid and the going rate at KMSN. Also, dry rates are available for longer trips if you want to pull back the power a bit and save fuel and money.
  10. No sales tax. This is an equity club, you own the airplanes and we paid sales tax on them when we bought them, so there is no sales tax on any of the transactions between you and the club.
  11. The club has a Stratus you can schedule and take for ADS-B In traffic and weather at no charge, though the Diamond already has In via GTX345 and the Archer will too in April!
Now, on to what you really want to know about - The airplanes! All of them have:
  • Garmin IFR GPS (430W/G1000) with databases kept up to date
  • Two axis autopilots (yes, they all work)
  • Nice paint and interiors
  • Engine monitors with CHT/EGT on every cylinder
  • Fuel totalizers
  • Great maintenance and reliability
  • In a couple of months, all will have ADS-B.
The specifics of each:

N271RG is our Cessna R182 (RG):
N271RG golden.png
Interior 8.jpg
(pic above from our purchase in late 2013, can't find another interior pic at the moment but it's the nicest interior I've ever seen on a small GA aircraft. pic below also older for the same reason, and we've swapped out the old engine monitor above the copilot yoke for an Insight G3 color LCD one.)Panel.jpg
It has an Aspen Pro PFD, Garmin 430W GPS, S-TEC 60-2 two-axis autopilot with altitude hold and vertical speed with both axes approach coupled, Insight G3 engine monitor, additional JPI FS-450 fuel totalizer, GTX330ES ADS-B transponder, 4-point shoulder harnesses, a beautiful soft leather interior, sharp red/white/black/gold paint job we had done a couple years ago, a full fuel payload of 770 pounds and a cruise speed of around 150 knots. Currently $168 per tach hour wet.

N569DS is our Diamond DA40:
IMG_6818.JPG N569DS-canopyopen.JPG 2010_0714N569DS0006 (Small).JPG
This plane has a G1000 glass cockpit (which includes GPS, engine monitor, fuel flow, etc), KAP140 two-axis autopilot with altitude preselect, GTX345R ADS-B in/out transponder with Bluetooth traffic/weather/attitude for your iPad, leather interior, constant-speed prop, and long range tanks. This is a REALLY sweet-flying airplane with a great view out of the canopy to go with it, and it has great ramp appeal and a stellar safety record. Full fuel payload 615 pounds, cruise speed around 140 knots. Currently $133 per flight hour wet.

N8113B is our Piper Archer:
18083575_10213049481861650_1755010801_o.jpg 18083862_10213049481901651_711439839_o.jpg DSC_2620.jpg Interior.jpg
This plane has a Garmin 430W GPS, autopilot with altitude hold and GPSS, Insight GEM 610 engine monitor, JPI FS-450 fuel flow, panel-mounted dual USB charger, and we'll be installing a GTX 345 ADS-B in/out transponder with Bluetooth traffic/weather/attitude in April. Full fuel payload 714 pounds, cruise speed 120+ knots thanks to the fully-faired landing gear. Currently $109 per flight hour wet.

If you're interested, PM or text me at (414) 305-2447.