Search results

  1. M

    What kept you going through training?

    Hey fellow students, For 2 years..I've been through 4 CFIs, a lengthy/expensive S.I. medical process, and countless cancelations due to all the usual reasons. I've soloed twice and hated it, now I'm prepping for my cross country training and I'm just not enjoying this anymore. I don't want to...
  2. M

    Want To Buy Sentry

    Hey all, I'm still in training and I'm looking for a good deal on a used Foreflight Sentry. Just the standard model, not the Mini or Plus. I've seen a few on ebay but several have been from "fake" sellers. I'd rather just buy one from a real human lol. I know Sporty's sells them new but...
  3. M

    Another FF + iPad question

    Hey everybody I'm currently looking to buy an iPad mini 6 to pair with Foreflight. The general consensus is to buy one equipped as a cellular model to get the internal GPS positioning feature. I won't be using the cellular feature for anything else except for GPS positioning. Will Foreflight...
  4. M

    Sleep apnea compliance report

    I'm trying to submit a cpap compliance report to my AME to be sent to the FAA but all my sleep doctor and DME will give me are the insurance approved reports with <>4hours not <>6 hours. Is there a way I can generate a custom report? TIA
  5. M

    ResMed AirSense 11 SD card size

    Recently diagnosed with mild to moderate OSA and was prescribed an Air Sense 11. My HIMS AME said the FAA is going to want to see 30 to 90 nights of data. I haven't started using it yet so I'm not familiar with how data transmission and storage work but I see it has an SD card slot. What size...
  6. M

    Actual purpose of cog screen

    Hey everybody, Due to a diagnosis of ADHD and depression 20 years ago, (been off meds for 10+ years and function just fine) I need to jump through the cog screen hoops and it got me thinking. Is the purpose of the cog screen to dispute the original diagnosis..or is it merely to find out if you...
  7. M

    Cost of HIMS AME for difficult case.

    Is there an average cost per hour to hire a HIMS AME to take a difficult class 3 medical case? I know the total hours will vary on a case by case basis. By difficult, I'm talking history of anxiety,depression and ADHD.