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  1. R

    AOPA Rusty Pilots course

    Now do it on the 1,300 questions on the written ir test!
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    This one is VERY hard to listen to...I'm guessing another "cognitive decline"...

    He was having a bad day. Probably end up with a prop strike and a 50k invoice if he went into the grass
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    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    !!!! Never bring coffee or a which stains into an airplane!
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    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    I blame gravity fluctuations whenever I step on the scale
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    SCAM Warning

    I don’t know if they’ve changed but when gmail started you could make up any name you wanted. Later when they wanted a phone number you could get one from…google, for free. In these days of kyc (know your customer) i’d assume (I know) that Zelle has their real name otoh they probably can’t...
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    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    I could see how it would be very useful during an emergency…and/or at night
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    The death of an insitution

    Everybody knew everybody is pretty much dead, at least around here. Both parents work so neighborhood interaction is limited to the annual Memorial Day picnic, every house is basically a silo, most kids live on the internet while parents work or watch television, etc.
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    Bonanza crash in residential area, Augusta, GA

    I’ve done the improper door shutting thing. Unfortunately. It’s kind of a big deal if you lean on the door out of habit…
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    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    OP, tell this poor woman that you are very sorry for stealing years of her life. You were young and didn’t understand what you were doing to her. As for you, you obviously knew what you were doing. Now you’re making excuses to justify dumping her. What, she was making big money then switched...
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    Air-to-Air Piper Tri-Pacer

    Cruise of 123mph is funny. At least for me, 105 was about right
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    Preview of things to come.....

    Original Star Trek had an episode where the computers decided who “died” in each battle. If chosen, you would enter a chamber and be eliminated. The opposing countries thought this was more civilized than using actual weapons. Spoiler-Spock and Kirk destroyed the computer so they would no...
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    Bakin' Bacon

    Definitely use the largest sheet you’ve got or the fat drips over the edge, setting the oven on fire. I learned this cooking one of those two pack wright bacon from Sam’s Fortunately I checked before the fire started
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    April solar eclipse

    Someone please tell me why the moon is bigger in some pictures than others. Is it based on quality of the filters? I don’t think the difference between ground and 5,000 feet in the air would matter much Someone sent me a video where the moon was basically a dot blocking half the sun (like a...
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    Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024

    Just fly upside down!
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    Sportys Rant - incomplete process and tests including topics not seen

    Pass your instrument check ride is an audio book ($5 iirc) with hours of typical questions and answers. Good luck retaining anything you don’t already know at 2x though
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    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    At 6’5” it’s likely that your knees block the yoke (fully extended) and your feet block the rudder pedals. I recently flew in a 172 with no shoes so my feet were under and out of the way. Pushing the seat all the way back to get legs/knees out of the way means that the seat isn’t locked in...
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    Insurance for letting someone park in your hangar?

    Doesn’t the airport also have requirements? They require that you have xyz on your plane but joe pilot may not have that coverage when borrowing your hangar Right?
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    Sportys Rant - incomplete process and tests including topics not seen

    I have a stack of these awful books (IFR for me) and progress has stopped on all of them somewhere in the first few chapters. For a pretest my friendly cfi asked open ended questions. Yikes, it’s like going back to college 40 years later. Labor of love is the only answer for me. Otherwise...
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    Carburetor Intake Cessna 182

    Is it the same part number for 1966? Mine seemed to be longer tia
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    Cessna down after stalling on take off

    Yes I flew with a test pilot a few times in my plane and it was certainly eye opening