Search results

  1. G

    Recreational Certificate questions

    I have a Student who just soloed who was going for the Sport, but has since decided on the Recreational Certificate instead (makes sense to me too. He can easily get a medical and with some additional training after the checkride to take care of the 50 nm limitation he'll be able to have the...
  2. G

    Glider Add-on

    Any glider pilots on here? I may be interested in doing an add-on and I'm looking for what to expect and any tips anyone may have for me (reccomended reading etc). I'm a Commercial pilot/CFI in airplanes, but I'll probably only want Private privileges in gliders for the time being (less solo...
  3. G

    New Member

    Finally joined POA after about a year of lurking. I own a 1/8 share of a Cessna 150 Aerobat with a 150 HP conversion (Lycoming O-320) based out of KSAF (Santa Fe, NM), and I currently hold a PPL with an Instrument rating, but I'm just about done with my Commercial ASEL. I also post on...