Search results

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    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    Apparent fuel exhaustion has been cited by a couple of sources. I remember seeing this plane at the FBO during the short time I was taking lessons at KCPT...
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    Monitor Question - Flight Simulators

    I am considering upgrading the "monitor" I use on my dedicated flight simulator setup. I currently use a surplus 32' RCA Proscan 720P television set, connected to my GPU (EVGA GeForce RTX 2060, 6 GB DDR6) via HDMI cable. (The TV was $8 at a thrift store, couldn't pass it up). I have been...
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    Let's punish the students....

    Here is a classic example of how bureaucracy works its magic at the school board level. Granbury Independent School District (Granbury TX) has two outstanding aviation centered programs - Skyward. In the aviation engineering program, students assemble an RV kit and sell it at a profit, purchase...
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    What exactly does this mean?

    Out of (morbid) curiosity, I decided to see what information I could find about a newly orphaned Luscombe at the airfield where I train. When I query the FAA site for N224Z, I get this message: "ATTENTION! This aircraft's registration status may not be suitable for operation. Please contact...
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    Cessna 205 Down near KCPT

    Last Sunday a couple I am an acquaintance of, and their dog perished in an accident. The couple owned the flight school I was attending earlier this year at KGDJ. That school closed down this summer, and a larger school opened a satellite office there. That is where I am currently training (In...
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    View Limiting Device

    OK, nearing my required time for simulated IMC. What works best when you also wear prescription glasses? The traditional hood, or Foggles?
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    X-Plane 12 is now available.

    If anybody's interested, the beta version X-Plane 12 download is now available. Same as with XP-11, there is a free trial to allow you to determine whether or not your system is capable of running the new simulator.
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    Pilot killed in Johnson County plane crash

    Pilot killed in Johnson County plane crash This one is pretty strange. The 41 year old (student pilot) crashed into his own yard, just a few miles from KCPT. He had been on a flight returning from "near Austin". The ADSB trace looks odd, just dropped nose-first into his yard. The name I found...
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    Question for X-Plane 10/11 users

    For those of you running X-Plane 10 or 11, could you do me a huge favor? I would like for you to look at how KSEP is represented in the scenery for those programs. I have an aging MSFS-X SE I use for the most part, but I've also downloaded and started using FlightGear Flight Simulator 2020. In...
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    My Discovery Flight, and a bazillion questions.

    NOTE – this is a long missive. If you’re easily bored, you may want to skip this thread. I wanted to share my experience with my Discovery Flight on 02/11/2022. This is the first experience I had ever had with General Aviation aircraft. I’d never even laid a hand on one before, much less be...
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    Flight Following - ADS-B Out Sleuths

    For those of you more adept at getting the ADBS data for a certain registration number, could I ask a favor? I'd like to know the movement(s) of N6911H for February 11th (yesterday). All day, if possible. I'm only seeing a single flight, in the afternoon.
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    VOR Minimum Operational Network question

    OK, I have a question about the FAA and shutting down VOR stations as they lean more towards GPS navigation. I have downloaded the list from the FAA website and looked at Phase I and Phase II shutdown lists. On Phase II, I see the Glen Rose VORTAC "JEN" (115.0 / Ch 97) as being on that list...
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    Aircraft down, Texas, Hood/Somervell County Line

    Just popped up on my wife's facebook thingy feed, or whatever. No details yet. It's been pretty quiet out there today, particularly with GA. We live between the western arrival routes for DFW and Love. Will share details as they come up. Nothing on the scanner yet, but that is to the north...
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    CACI Questions

    Howdy, prospective student pilot here, with questions. I am looking to schedule a "pre-examination" meeting with the local AME. Just from looking at the FAA 8710-1 and some online research, I kinda' figured out that I may need to complete two CACI (Conditions AME Can Issue) forms. One for...
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    IACRA Terms of Use (TOS)

    Just starting to complete all of the preliminary items prior to me scheduling my PAR exam through PSI. So, as recommended, I am going to set up my FTN through IACRA. Am I reading too much into the TOS?: "Terms of Service (TOS) You are accessing a U.S. Government information system, which...
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    New Guy, Old Questions...

    Hello folks, New member here that's been a lurker for some time. I am posting this in the training forum because that's where I'm heading - I think. From as early an age as I can remember, I have been intrigued with the concept of flight - both powered and to a lesser extent, non-powered...