Search results

  1. planeviz

    CFI Long Island?

    I'm back in the saddle and it's time for my flight review then on to IPC. Any recommendations for a CFI (preferably CFII) in the area? Would be in my own airplane (PA-28). Thanks!
  2. planeviz

    NAS Fallon birds

    If you like Naval Aviation, Gary just posted part 1 of his NAS Fallon article on PlaneViz. Some great photos of F-18s and E6s in it.
  3. planeviz

    Be a famous podcast cohost!

    You fly planes, you've got stories, and maybe even some wit. Let's talk. I'd like to resume the PlaneViz podcast and need a co-host or two to join me. GA pilots, mechanics, CFIs, airline, corporate, MIL pilots. Let's have some fun talking shop. You can see and hear the shows I have already...
  4. planeviz

    79 Warrior 2 with GNS430W $38K

    Have not been flying enough, time to say goodbye. 6300TT & 490 SMOH. Location: Long Island KHWV Barnstormers Ad Photos (including inside wing and fuselage) can be downloaded here via my DropBox. If you are interested please email me at dsgjax(at) Thanks!
  5. planeviz

    Podcast 20: Aircraft Valuation Trends with vREF

    vREF publisher Fletcher Aldredge joins me to discuss aircraft values from 2000 to the present. Also have some price graphs and complementary copy of the Q3 vREF newsletter. Conversation includes singles, twins, turbines. Episode 20
  6. planeviz

    PV 19: Capt Bill Palmer discusses AF447

    In this week's podcast A330 pilot Bill Palmer discusses the puzzling state of affairs on the flight deck as AF 447 maintained its pilot induced stall from 38,000 feet all the way to the ocean. Factors include pilot proficiency, aircraft automation, and likely fatigue. Episode 19
  7. planeviz

    DIY real 737 flight simulator project

    In this week's podcast Dave Jones tell us about his DIY 737 sim project, including buying the front end of an ex-United 737, transporting it to his home, and setting up to begin making it a simulator. See some pics and listen to the podcast on the blog post.
  8. planeviz

    Flying the big iron

    If you want a behind the scenes look at flying the big iron check out my podcast with A330 pilot Karlene Petit. She talks about flying automation and pilot skills, fatigue, Asiana and Air France accidents and why it might have turned out differently depending Boeing vs Airbus, glider time as...
  9. planeviz

    Things your instructor did

    I was reminiscing about flight training and some of the memorable things my instructors had done that caught me by surprise. Let's here yours. #1 My student training: CFI distracted me then turned our 152s fuel selector to off. The engine quit and he patiently waited for me to reach for a check...
  10. planeviz

    This weeks podcast: Behind the scenes at Angel Flight Southeast

    3000 relief flights last year. Angel Flight Southeast CEO/pilot Steve Purello tells us all about it. iTunes or Website
  11. planeviz

    New aviation podcast

    Hi All, If you like hangar talk in your earbuds check out my new aviation podcast. I'd really appreciate your constructive feedback. Ep 1 is an interview with OpenAirplane co-founder Rod Rakic. OA let's you rent airplanes like cars; one checkout is good nationwide. If you want more...
  12. planeviz

    Discussing new aviation series at 1pm

    Kickstarter Aviation Series Project Pilots of America, Would you like to see more high-quality aviation programming on TV? I request your help via our Kickstarter project to fund the pilot episode. The rewards for contributing include everything from a pilot episode DVD to (it's 45 minutes...
  13. planeviz

    A couple of hours at Bayport Aerodrome Tried embedding it but it 404'd on me.
  14. planeviz

    Photos of my a Hudson River/Sky Manor burger run.

    Took my neighbor's son on his first small plane ride to Sky Manor, NJ via a Hudson/NYC detour. Conditions were excellent for photos. Blog post with photos.
  15. planeviz

    Jumping Attitude Indicator

    Has anyone experienced the AI behavior in the linked video? It has been doing this for quite some time now but I have not seen one fail like this before (i.e., if it is indicating a pending failure). This is an overhauled unit I bought in 2008. When the old one failed it did so in the...
  16. planeviz

    Idle screw falls out

    A first for me. Coasted on to taxiway and restarted it; last landing of a 3 that day. Post failure check list: 1. Attempt restart 2. Check bank account balance 3. Call maintenance 4. Pray
  17. planeviz

    Water in my tank

    From yesterday's preflight. First time I have had any significant water in a tank. How about you, anything like this?
  18. planeviz

    My New Aircraft Classifeids Site

    I had my airplane for sale in ‘08 when the aircraft sales were very slow. After listing it with the big three at various times I decided to keep it and still own her. However, having a background in web development left me thinking how I would do an aircraft classifieds site differently. About 4...