Recent content by SloRoam

  1. SloRoam

    Aspen and EA100… The good, bad, and ugly?

    Bought a plane with an Aspen and ea100, had the ea100 fail after 14 hours, replaced it, and had it fail again after 22 hours. The redraw of the display is also painfully slow, so much though that it's difficult to hand fly behind it in IMC. By comparison the G5 next to it is smooth as butter...
  2. SloRoam

    Foreflight upgrade: airways not showing?

    Just received the latest foreflight update, and when I toggled Airways on, very few of them showed up, for instance around KYKM. I had to go back into the settings and re-set back to showing low airways…seems it might have toggled during the upgrade.
  3. SloRoam

    iPad Mini Articulating mount options?

    I have various mounts from mygoflight. They are made out of aluminum, are rock solid, and have an excellent amount of articulation. Worth every penny.
  4. SloRoam

    Sportsman Stol Kit

    I have a few hundred hours in a 1967 182 with the sportsman stol kit, and I think it's nothing short of magic. I could pop that plane off the ground at about 45 miles an hour, and it was really no problem to get 600 ft landings and takeoffs. After having flown the Horton and the Robertson, I...
  5. SloRoam

    What is the best way to study for the Instrument Written Test?

    Not kidding. Hard to express this in a simple way, but the key above was the last part of the sentence: ", and I will never need to know in the way that it was asked" Real life is just not like a multiple choice question, where one is trying to choose the least worst answer, and where the...
  6. SloRoam

    What is the best way to study for the Instrument Written Test?

    Of course not. This is called studying for the test. About 90% of the stuff that's on the test I will never use in real life, and I will never need to know in the way that it was asked. In one ear and out the other. I recommend anybody studying for their instrument first focus on the...
  7. SloRoam

    What is the best way to study for the Instrument Written Test?

    Just scored 100% on the instrument written. I used Shepherd test prep for this, exclusively, and used their preparation strategy as well. The test is so full of wrong answers or potentially strangely worded questions, that the shepherd was the best test prep method, and I found other test prep...
  8. SloRoam

    Flying in the high mountains

    I find it easy to think of density if I think of air as a series of golf balls, each golf ball representing an air molecule. As density of air goes down because of temperature or pressure or whatever, the golf balls get farther apart. The golf balls are what cools down the engine, lifts the...
  9. SloRoam

    Question about Barometric Pressure

    This is covered in quite a few books about mountain flying, and is a fantastic way to predict wind in various gaps because wind will follow those pressure gradients. I'm not sure I can explain it as well as the books, but in essence it has to do with air parcels having a hard time flowing from...
  10. SloRoam

    Stratus Horizon Pro Radio Transcription

    I'd recommend an audio panel with playback, and maybe spend a lot of time listening to liveATC on the internet. For most people, understanding voices has a lot to do with pattern recognition, and so the more time you spend listening to something like live ATC, which you can stream while you're...
  11. SloRoam

    Tablet mounting

    I've had great luck with mygoflight products. They have cases which fit the devices and a quick release that goes to either a yoke or a suction or to a mount that you can permanently attach to your panel, all with a great articulating arm.
  12. SloRoam

    Tips, how to make smooth landings

    I struggled a bunch at first, but then had a great instructor that helped me do a few things that changed everything for me. Bottom line: landing doesn’t expose people to enough time in the critical “landing moment” to learn, so you safely find ways to prolong the “landing moment.” Hoping...
  13. SloRoam

    Piper PA-28 crash Big Bear, CA

    This issue of rapidly changing wind during transition to ground effect is a big deal. As a newish pilot I see it a lot, and wish there was more training on it. Wondering if they were shooting for the numbers or the thousands foot markers, and what decisions were driven by high DA that might...
  14. SloRoam

    Nulite (or other) in front of panel (behind overlay)

    I did mine between the panel and the instrument...sorry. IMHO it would look ugly in front.
  15. SloRoam

    Induction system hose clamp tightness

    If this is for a continental, you had better make sure that you follow the torque specifications exactly. Using more than the torque specified will very likely dent the thin aluminum tubes in the induction system, causing permanent induction leaks. There are also service bulletins so...