Recent content by Salty

  1. Salty

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    It's not a good truck, or even an ok truck. It's not a good luxury vehicle, it's not a good sports car. All it is good for is "look at me!". Which, I guess is ok, if that is what you need.
  2. Salty

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Like gasoline and diesel oil, for example. ;)
  3. Salty

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Under 25 won’t even bat an eye over it.
  4. Salty

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    If a technique is more likely to break something, wouldn’t that make it worse?
  5. Salty

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    It would be interesting to see you answer this question now that you have some perspective.
  6. Salty

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

  7. Salty

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    I'm getting rid of my Tesla first chance I get. I'm totally and utterly infuriated that I have to choose between FSD, which I paid $12,000 for and normal cruise control. I mostly just use cruise control. FSD was a cool toy I would occasionally use. Especially in construction, it's a frustrating...
  8. Salty

    If [BLANK] is what you find too expensive about flying...

    KFC only sells Pepsi because they are both owned by the same parent company.
  9. Salty

    N/A calling Calculator Nerds - what's the best graphing calculator these days?
  10. Salty

    EarthX STC approved!

    Install 2 of them in parallel.
  11. Salty

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    Your statements don't compute. If you were headed direct to, you shouldn't have been drifting. what leg were you rejoining? If you were direct to, there's no leg to rejoin you're on the leg. What your saying just doesn't make sense to me.
  12. Salty

    Any tips to better familiarize direction, degrees & headings?

    This app was made for playing with ifr navigation instruments, but it might help you visualize the compass and wind effects. For example, I put a wind from 079 @ 17 knots in by clicking on the wind sock (now it’s a white...
  13. Salty

    Jacobs-powered pickup

    To extend this comment regarding thinking it through - I’m not sure if hydraulic lock is a problem with this mounting orientation. Of course, I’m not sure how the oil system will work at all in this mounting orientation.