Recent content by FormerHangie

  1. FormerHangie

    Therma Pen

    This is one of our favorite ways to use ground chicken: . You may want to back off on the butter, this recipe would make Paula Deen seem like an ascetic.
  2. FormerHangie

    Therma Pen

    The pork shoulder/Boston Butt on the grill is currently at 187 degrees with an hour to cook. I usually shoot for 195 degrees, although a lot of folks go a little hotter.
  3. FormerHangie

    Anyone Need an Inch and a half Combo Wrench?

    It was a smallish race car. We used a big spherical bearing because it fit in the stock control arm with just a little honing. The optimal thing to do would be to cut off the ends and weld on some smaller ends and use a small diameter spherical bearing and bolt, but none of us had those...
  4. FormerHangie

    Anyone Need an Inch and a half Combo Wrench?

    Actually, we bought it. We'd built a race car and wanted to replace the rubber bushings in the rear control arms with spherical bearings. The spherical bearings that were a close fit for the control arms took a large diameter bolt and that bolt had a inch and a half head. Most folks, I suspect...
  5. FormerHangie

    Anyone Need an Inch and a half Combo Wrench?

    It does seem appropriate. Anyway, @Tools is the lucky winner, and I’ll blame the mispost on doing this on my phone.
  6. FormerHangie

    Anyone Need an Inch and a half Combo Wrench?

    I have a SnapOn inch and a half combo box and open end wrench that I don’t need. Anybody have use for such a tool. It does have the initials “RP” engraved on it. Free to the first person in the 48 states who replies, I’ll pay the shipping.
  7. FormerHangie

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Secret mutant child. It looks to me that a fairly minor accident could be very expensive to repair. How do you fix a large panel of bare metal?
  8. FormerHangie

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    I saw one of these going down the road a few days ago. It looks like a shipping container on wheels. I hope the rest of the industry doesn’t adopt this design language. I think this is worse than the Pontiac Aztek.
  9. FormerHangie

    Is it me or Cessna 182s just went up by $30-50K in the last 1-2 months?

    Textron did build 39 NA Skylanes and 27 Turbo Skylanes last year, so at least there are a few additions to the fleet.
  10. FormerHangie

    I Hate Enterprise

    Ride in a U Haul? Did the Kenosha Kickers offer you a ride?
  11. FormerHangie

    So far away from me ...

    There was a while where I could routinely pick up a commercial FM station from Toronto in and around my home in Roswell, Georgia. 15 miles to the east where my office was, I couldn't get it. I mentioned this to a coworker who lives near me, he had the same exact experience, near our homes we...
  12. FormerHangie

    Iceland recommendations

    My wife and daughters wanted to go to the Blue Lagoon, so we did. I’ll spare you the pictures of wet people in steaming water. It was quite relaxing. Today we did boat tour is the glacier lagoon, quite spectacular. Amazing ice floes This one got the seal of approval. This afternoon we did a...
  13. FormerHangie

    Iceland recommendations

    My eldest wanted to snorkel Silfra, so I volunteered to go with her. I volunteered to go with her. Because I’m over 65, I had to get my doctor to certify that I’m healthy enough to do this, and if I was 70, they wouldn’t let me!
  14. FormerHangie

    Iceland recommendations

    Four years later, we finally made it. Landed this morning after a five hour flight, and spent the morning getting a car and then scouting for lighthouses. On the agenda for tomorrow is a visit to the Blue Lagoon, and a drive to the south coast.
  15. FormerHangie

    Apple blows chunks

    What do you do if you need a password and you’re not at home?