Recent content by Dry Creek

  1. D

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Sorry - didn't mean to hijack the thread. After my first joint replacement I learned that opioids are not compatible with my system. Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox) or plain old aspirin for me.
  2. D

    THC and Delta 9 drinks

    I work in a field where we are subject to random testing. We are constantly cautioned against use of any product containing hemp or CBD. I take those warnings seriously. I have seen far too many people toss away a good paying job by doing silly things. Alcohol or drugs can get you restricted...
  3. D

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    I may need to PM you. I have a "pain heavy" procedure in the future - total knee replacement. Wondering about recovery and time before being cleared to fly. I have been working with my CFI to project a schedule for my return to flight training.
  4. D

    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    Robert Isom? (to the tune of $31.4 million, 2023) Vasu Raja? Not so much
  5. D

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    If for no other reason than the astringent benefits offered by the alcohol! Must prevent a nasty infection. And stuff.
  6. D

    Windows 10 Help

    I have an ancient laptop still running XP-SP3. It lives in the garage. The reason is like you stated, I have an older Ford F-53 service manual on CD and it won't run on anything else. In fact, I have to keep the date set to 2012 - otherwise it tries to tell me the information is out of date...
  7. D

    For Sale DO you still have a Garmin 496, 396, 296?

    Are map updates still available for this model?
  8. D

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    I'll take Gravity for $500 Alex!
  9. D

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    A bit of a coincidence, aircraft was involved in a similar incident back in 2018: But the outcome was not as tragic.
  10. D

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    I was going to chime in with the same information. A ninety-degree throw ON/OFF selector, down between the two seats. In all of the videos and pictures I looked at, there was actually very little fire. It seemed more like an electrical fire than an actual blaze from AvGas.
  11. D

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    I keep forgetting to just name search. Thanks to those who found the information. Student pilot it is then, from last September. The last trace is also available on FlightAware for N1701Q. The weather in our area wasn't too bad yesterday...
  12. D

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    Apparent fuel exhaustion has been cited by a couple of sources. I remember seeing this plane at the FBO during the short time I was taking lessons at KCPT...
  13. D

    Windows 10 Help

    Ah, even I fell into the GB/MB normalization trap. Glass houses, stones. Guilty.
  14. D

    Windows 10 Help

    Sigh. I'm old enough to remember when 32mb RAM was a top-notch setup. The first 386SX33 I built was rockin' it with 4 GB and Windows 3.1. 32 GB?
  15. D

    Honeycomb Alpha Yoke Problem

    Maybe the Honeycomb group can recover fully and finally start churning out the Charley rudder pedals. I really like my Alpha, but there's not a lot of love for my Saitek/Logitech rudder pedals. I wish I had enough to buy the Thrustmaster TPR pedals. Yikes! Nearly $600.